
Thursday, July 11, 2024 | Blog

Tracking your employees' time has many advantages. It reduces stress for 91% of people, boosts productivity for 90%, helps workers focus better on tasks for 86%, and improves relationships at work for 75%. Those surveyed highly valued effective time management. Tools like Tracked Time, powered by Talygen, make it simple for employees to track their work hours using screenshots, helping them manage remote work efficiently. Employee time tracking can be complex and messy regardless of the size or type of your business.

But why use a time tracking tool? Let's start with the basics. Time tracking means keeping track of how many hours someone works so they can get paid correctly. As a manager, you might often remind your team to "make sure you log your hours this week." Getting everyone to do this can sometimes feel like herding stray sheep. Using manual timesheets can lead to problems like dishonesty, too much overtime, and even time theft. That's why time tracker solutions are so necessary. They offer many benefits and can be helpful in many different industries. Let's explore why they matter.

Increase Profitability

Track time software with live screen recording and screenshots is a great way to boost productivity. It helps people see exactly how they spend their time and resources, making it easier to stay accountable and aware of where time is wasted. Employees can find better ways to prioritize tasks and improve their work using this software. It also gives organizations valuable insights to spot areas needing improvement, manage resources better, and build a culture where productivity leads to success.

Accurate Billing and Invoicing

Tracking time is crucial for ensuring accurate billing and payments. It helps keep a clear record of time spent on client projects or tasks. When team members track their time, they set clear goals and reduce confusion about what each person should be working on, which is essential for managing projects and handling billing and invoices effectively.

Quick Decision Making

Using the best time tracking tools helps businesses make smarter decisions based on their team's work data. These tools give detailed insights into different teams' time on tasks and projects. Analyzing this data helps organizations understand how resources are used, track project progress, and evaluate individual performance. It's a valuable foundation for making smart choices, like hiring new staff or improving workflows.

Project Management

Tracking time online helps organizations set clear goals by understanding how time is used. Project time tracking software simplifies project management and cost tracking with more employee information. By studying time data, teams and individuals can see the most important tasks, how long they take, and where they can make the most impact. It helps set practical goals based on a clear picture of how much time tasks and projects need.

Improve Work-Life Balance

Tracking time online helps people better balance their work and personal lives. It shows them exactly how they spend their time throughout the workday. The information is helpful because it helps them set achievable goals, decide which tasks are most important, and figure out how to work more efficiently. By using time tracking, people can also choose when to stop working, which helps prevent them from working too much and becoming too tired. This way, they can balance their work and personal lives healthier.

Enhance Transparency

Time tracking software lets teams record and monitor how much time they spend on each task in a project. It helps everyone see how work is progressing. Managers can use this information to make smart decisions about the project. It builds trust because it shows exactly where time is being used. Team members can automatically log their hours, giving managers a clear view of their work and ensuring everyone stays responsible.

Improve Progress Communication

With employee time tracking, team members can update their managers on their ability to meet deadlines during the workweek. It makes it easier for teams to share their needs with co-workers and managers. Beyond individual efforts, employee time tracking helps strengthen team collaboration. As team members share their progress and any challenges they face, it creates a culture of openness and mutual support.

Improve Client Communication

Time tracking is an excellent solution for projects with clients. Employers can receive detailed reports on employees' active and idle hours, fostering trust and promoting open communication between the team and clients. Clients also better understand the project details, which helps them have more informed discussions and make collaborative decisions.

This openness strengthens the partnership, as clients appreciate being able to track project timelines, milestones, and progress in real time. Sharing insights from offline time tracking actively involves clients in the project journey, aligning their expectations with your team's efforts and ensuring a successful outcome.


Many services offer templates and so0ftware to help track your team's work time. The best time tracking software is Tracked Time, which has desktop, web, and mobile apps. The software allows employers to track their teams quickly and track time spent on different tasks and projects. The app automatically monitors each employee's activity levels and can take screenshots, so you are always informed while they are in the office, remote, or traveling. Try it now and get detailed insights with the live screen recordings and dashboards.

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